The kids go on a trip to an Amazonian rainforest and stumble upon an ancient empire of centurions. It’s important to note that Professor X doesn’t help them because…

…he’s still training Team America.
Dani creates snow, showing he’s getting better at using her powers and also providing the cool-down requested by Rahne. The team bonds through adversity.

It’s a fine story, but the Roman thing is just a little too stupid to make this a great book.

The most important part: The first appearance of Magma. And that woman in the slit skirt?

That’s Selene, Black Queen of the Hellfire Club. First appearance.

To join in the January Assistant Editors Month event, Elliot Brown puts himself in the corner box on the cover and does a one-page back-up story, in place of the letters page, where he invents Marvel Universe Slipper Socks.

I guess Chris Claremont didn’t want to participate?