This issue introduces probably the least known underground kingdom: The Netherworld. No, it’s not in another dimension. It’s under New York City. But first, a giant Stark Technology fan creates a hurricane and Iron Man responds with his first forgotten power set…

Yes, he can turn himself into a fan by pinwheeling around. Glad this one is forgotten.
Back to the main story: Kala Queen of the Underworld kidnaps Tony Stark to get his help with some tech.

Really, Tony? No one suspected? Mole Man. Atlantis. Tyrannus. And no one suspected the areas under the Earth’s surface were full of life?
Turns out, The Netherworld descended from Atlantis–like the undersea land, they built a dome over their city but it sank deeper into the Earth, becoming both undersea and underground, until it reached the “core of the globe.”

It will later be called Netheria (much better name for a country).
She wants Stark to create tech that will let Netherworld rise back up to the surface, and she says she’ll kill him and some other employees that she’s kidnapped if he doesn’t help. He agrees, but of course it’s a trick. And speaking of tricks, there’s another forgotten power set…

Iron Man takes Kala to the surface where she suddenly ages.

It’s an ending that borrows from War of the Worlds.
Silly and derivative, this is not a great story–even by the standards of early Marvel, where comics were often outlandish.