Doctor Doom plays with his toys.

See, I’m tempted to not even cover this book. It’s so awful. The Doom/Submariner stories never got good, so with #14, they changed to Doom teaming up with the villain-of-the-month. The results weren’t any better, notwithstanding a few terrific covers by John Byrne and Terry Austin.
Namor and Doom team-up against the Atlantean warlord Krang, and they go their separate ways.

When he gets home, Magneto bursts into his castle and attacks him. Doom uses a gas to control Magneto’s mind, but inexplicably lets him leave afterwards. Not even a bill for breaking down his door.

Magneto goes and teams up with The Avengers to fight Doom after Magneto trashes The Avengers and nearly kills Vision (huh?), and then Doom uses the same gas to take control over the Avengers. Then he tries to get The Champions involved. It’s very, very silly
The book then goes on hiatus until 1979.
Note: Issue #15 reprinted an old Astonish Tales featuring Doom and Red Skull.
Keith Giffen did the art on #13, Bob Hall did #14.
I agree- that scene where Magneto trashes the Vision based on the Vision’s purportedly “synthetic blood” doesn’t g-haul at all. For one thing, why would “synthetic blood” contain IRON??? Iron is an organic property- I don’t see a synthetic body being able to produce it, or even to require it, to begin with. Which leads to Point the Second: Why would an android body require blood? That’s asinine! Why would the late Doctor Horton, or Ultron, design androids ( ostensibly created to use as weapons of some sort ) to run on an organic fluid?? You know how to kill human beings?? You shoot/stab/slash/burn them until they bleed to death! Professor Horton and Ultron HAD to realize that! So, I truly don’t believe that either the original Human Torch android, or the Vision, were designed to run on blood, “synthetic” or otherwise! Word!