The pairing of Dr. Strange and Nick Fury is an odd one: A James Bond, spies and guns type paired with the Master of the Mystic Arts. This post only covers the Fury side of the book.

Look at that cover–what Dr. Strange is “holding” on the cover is the actual splash page to the issue!

Very cool.

The plot details really don’t matter. It’s just a fun book.
Issue #141 has the debut of Fixer and Mentallo. Didn’t realize they started as partners.

Also lots of bro love.

This arc ends with Jasper Sitwell as part of the team, and a promise that next issue will delve into “THEM,” a group that has also appeared in Captain America’s solo book, and which will become AIM.

The villain in issues #144-145 is The Druid, who will reappear later. Weird to have a British mystical villain for Fury.