Let’s start with the back-halves first, because (a) it’s a two-parter and (b) it’s much better than the Human Torch side of the book.

Issues #126 and 127 have the first two part Dr. Strange story, and it’s pretty good. The details aren’t important. What is, is that we meet Clea and Dormammu, and see The Mindless Ones for the first time.

We’ve heard of Dormammu before–his name has been in invocations–but we’ve never seen him.

Clea is introduced as Dormammu’s prisoner–he has taken over her dimension.
These are the Strange stories I really enjoy.
In #126, it’s Mad Thinker and Puppet Master, and Thing reverts to human again. For one story.
And then in #127, Willie Lumpkin makes an appearance.
Storywise, #127 is really, really stupid. Johnny and Ben get into a car race with a guy who keeps trying to trap them and cheat, and then in the end he reveals himself to be Reed Richards.

Completely pointless.
Grades: Dr. Strange is a B+. Torch is a C- or even D. I’m rating the issues as B+ because they’re so important to the Strange mythology.