This issue is the first appearance of a Marvel mainstay, Doctor Strange, but he’s not even mentioned on the cover. Instead, the cover promotes the Human Torch feature in this issue. And that is a good little tale, especially since it foreshadows The Frightful Four.
Paste-Pot Pete, not yet Trapster and still wearing a ridiculous costume (and in need of a diet), busts Wizard out of prison. Armed with only his goo gun.

The villains spend most of the issue bickering, even at the very end.

Wizard says he should have done it alone–but alone, he would still be in prison!
Anyway, a fun little Silver Age story.
Oh, and something else happens in this issue…

The first appearance of Doctor Strange, billed as a “master of black magic.”

The story is about a civilian wracked by nightmares who goes to hire a person whose “name is spoken in whispers.”

The Doc agrees to help him by entering his dream. Although Strange doesn’t ask for money (or anything else in return), he does show his characteristic pomposity.
And his humility before the Ancient One.

And of course you guessed it–the source of this man’s night terror is Nightmare, who is seen riding his horse–his main look doesn’t change much in future stories.

We learn that Nightmare is able to torment the man because he is not a good man. I’m not sure that this aspect of Nightmare’s ability is consistently applied in the future. Strange defeats Nightmare, and the man awakens before Strange’s astral forrm retuns to his body. Concerned that Dr. Strange now knows of the bad things he has done, the man attempts to kill him.

Because Strange is still in a trance, the Ancient One must help him–operating by remote control the Eye of Agamatto (although it is not named yet).

Overall, it’s very interesting that the first appearance of the good Doctor is not an origin story. It’s a really good “hero first appearance” story. A great single issue–one of the top 100 (full list here).
Creators: For Human Torch story: Lee, Huntley, Ayers
For Doctor Strange story: Lee, Ditko
First appearance: Doctor Strange
Grade: C+ (Human Torch). A+ (Doctor Strange)