I’m not sure who thought replacing Carmine Infantino with Frank Springer would be an improvement, but whatever. New writer Michael Fleisher immediately stakes out new ground with the title of this issue: “Beware the Spider-Woman–bounty hunter!” He also gives her her own Microchip, a wheelchair-bound science nerd named Scotty McDowell. McDowell is in love with Spider Woman. He also lives in the apartment next to Jessica Drew, and doesn’t know that they’re the same person.
Fleisher also introduces the trope that the local police don’t approve of what she’s doing by creating Captain Alexander Walsh. She’s one issue into being a bounty hunter and she’s already being yelled at.

And finally, rather than having her tied up every issue, we’re going to start seeing her stripping and showering a lot.
Just when the Gruenwald run was starting to get good, we’re back to bleah again.
This ‘Scotty McDowell’ person can’t be TOO much in love with Spider-Woman, if he is actually living right next door to her, and doesn’t even realize who she really is! As to the “bondage versus stripping & showering” debate, well………is there any reason we couldn’t have BOTH-???? This series needed all the help it could get!!