This story reaches back into Spider-Man’s history, twice. First, Captain Stacy’s brother Arthur is trying to find out the truth of why Spider-Man was closely linked to the deaths of his brother and niece, Gwen. Second, Mendell Stromm–aka Gaunt–was apparently killed by Green Goblin several months ago, when Ben Reilly was acting as Spider-Man. But he’s back…

…With amnesia! But when Spider-Man talks to him about Norman Osborn he remembers…

…I love that line about the hair.
Stromm is completely silly and inept, and winds up nearly crushed by wreckage. Spider-Man is holding it up when Arthur Stacy comes along (don’t worry, it makes sense in story) and figures he can unmask Spider-Man…

…Or save Stromm.
Of course he does the right thing.
This is a surprisingly, unexpectedly fun comic with truly unpredictable twists.