Spider-Man and Red Sonja #1-5 (2006)

Decades ago, the powerful team-up of John Byrne and Chris Claremont got the great idea to team up Spider-Man with Red Sonja. The book, Marvel Team-Up #79, was dumb fun. The soul of Sonja travels forward in time to possess Mary Jane (whose possessed body magically is given the strength and athleticism of one of the greatest warriors of all time) and bring Kulan Gath into the 616 universe as one of the reoccuring old magic dudes that continually cause problems.

MTU#79 was a single issue. This five issue series basically tells the same story, only this time it’s also a publisher team up (with Dynamite!) because Marvel no longer has the rights to the Conanverse. That’s not a criticism, it’s just true: The story is basically the same only it’s told over five issues, allowing for decompression and, yes, lots more chain mail boobies.

It also brings Venom, Scorpion, Vermin and Lizard into the mix.

No, it’s not very good.

Like most sequels, it’s bigger and has more action and villains. And it does take place AFTER MTU#79–and is even referenced in the book.

But at bottom: Same basic story. Gath even puts Sonja and Spider-Man up on crosses like he did in the first story.

Only this time he’s got a Venom power boost, until Brock comes along and reclaims the symbiote.

And I think it’s canon, unlike most of the Marvel+[another publisher] crossover books.

Sadly, it’s not very good. Turns out, there wasn’t more than 25 pages worth of story to tell here and this is just too long.

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