The last few issues planted a LOT of seeds, and now we get a fill-in??? Well, at least it’s plotted and drawn by Marshall Rogers, who has done great work with this book. Michael Higgins does the script.
Unfortunately, it’s about the Marvel Universe’s newest—and most terrible—Elder, The Obliterator, who basically looks like a guy in a jet-pack But now he’s been stripped of his gear by Silver Surfer, so he’s just a crudely drawn dude.
He meets up with the Buddha-like Contemplator, another of the worst Marvel Elders, who tells him to stop being such a big, mopey idiot and just get new weapons. Then Contemplator decides to teach Surfer a lesson and kill everyone on Zenna La. Surfer stops him. Rather easily actually.

Their fight is left unresolved, with Obliterator swearing he will kill Surfer.