more pages here if I want the;m

This is a fairly generic mercenary adventure.
Battlestar, from Captain America, joins the Pack. Such a strange thing. Battlestar was originally partnered with US Agent and both were depicted as racists. Battlestar was the first (only?) Marvel character ever to be (almost) lynched. And yet he still stayed allied with white supremacy.
Then, US Agent was downgraded from racist to asshole, turning his vile views into his simply being extremely arrogant (more arrogant than Hawkeye, even). I view this as a form of sanitizing the character. And now Battlestar joins up with Sable and there’s not a word of his past.
HUGE missed opportunity. Battlestar could be one of the most fascinating characters in the Marvel Universe. All it would take is a good writer to take an interest in him.
It’s also a missed opportunity here, because as Sable is reviewing recruits, her shareholders have an issue with Crippler but not Battlestar. Crippler was an assassin who literally roasted someone on a spit in his first appearance. And Crippler’s methods are highly questionable:

Storywise, in addition to recruiting new members, the team protects a pro-choice (wealthy) televangelist from the old Watchdogs terrorist group that tried to lynch Battlestar several years ago. That’s how he gets involved with the Wild Pack.

Despite that we haven’t seen him yet, we do learn that Paladin also still works for Sable.

I’m wondering if her “Wild Pack” is really just a group of independent contractors who work mission to mission, also taking other jobs?
Along the way, we are reminded that the scheming Foreigner is Sable’s ex-husband, and he kills one of her business team members in issue #3.

I like that the characters in this book are pretty much evil. They will do whatever is necessary to make money and complete the mission. My problem is that Silver Sable has never been portrayed that way, and either I’d like to see her struggle with the morality of all this or I’d like to understand why she’s willing to accept it.
Anyway, the big conclusion does of course involve a gun that’s as big as Sable’s torso. So at least the ’90s didn’t limit huge weapons to men.