A new villain, Southpaw, gets caught by The New Warriors and immediately invokes her right to an attorney.

She is taken to “The Big House,” a prison with an ironic name because the facility shrinks its inmates using Pym Particles and then puts them in small boxes.
The villains escape while She-Hulk is visiting with her new client, Southpaw. They shrink down further, climb aboard Southpaw and She-Hulk, and escape with them.
They then head over to She-Hulk’s law firm where they return to their shrunk-but-not-further-shrunk state.

Then, there are a bunch of very fun fights. Like this one:

Mad Thinker is one of the fugitives, and he attempts to regain control over the law firm’s intern, Awesome Android. But it’s not Mad Thinker–it’s a Mad Thinker LMD who lacks to power to control Andy, so AA rips his head off and goes to bed.

This is another genuinely funny satire of superhero books. Well done.