This volume of She-Hulk comes to a close here, but the next one starts right away with a new #1 and the same writer.

A Watcher named Zoma relates the history of Titania. Her origin. Her abusive childhood. And all the reasons she hates She-Hulk. Zoma is relating the tale to the Champion of the Universe, who then gives Titania his gem of power–because She-Hulk defeated him in battle and he wants revenge.
He teaches her how to access the gem’s power, and she goes after She-Hulk.

Titania clobbers She-Hulk.

Then Doc Samson. Then she blows Awesome Andy’s head off.

Then she faces a large group of heroes and clobbers them, too.
Meanwhile, Jennifer Walters consults with some comic book geeks to figure out how to defeat Titania. They’re motivated to help by the promise of a no-prize.

How does she win? Scarlet Witch puts a spell on her so that she’s invisible to Titania in her “Jennifer” form, she plucks away the stone, and she beats up Titania.
In the epilogue, Andy gets his head back. Southpaw seems to have hooked up with Mad Thinker (don’t ask). And Titania hires Jennifer to be her lawyer.
Oh, and Jennifer is stuck in human form.

The end.