Series: Incredible Hulk (1962-2008)
Note: These are all the issues of Incredible Hulk, including #1-26 (1999-2001), which were retroactively renumbered to fit in with the original numbering as part of Marvel’s legacy numbering revival after its 1999 reboots.
Hulk. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Grade: C+. #1-6 (1962)
Tales to Astonish (click to go to series posts). Lee and Steve Ditko. Grade: C. #60-68 (1964-1965)
Lee and Kirby. Grade: B-. #68–87 (1965-1967)
Lee and Marie Severin. Grade: C+. #88-101 (1967-1968)
Hulk Vol. 2 (continues from Tales to Astonish)
Gary Friedrich/Stan Lee and Severin/Herb Trimpe. Grade: C. #102-119 (1968-1969)
Roy Thomas and Herb Trimpe. Grade: B #120-145 (1969-1971)
Archie Goodwin and Herb Trimpe. Grade: B. #149-157 (1972)
Steve Englehart and Herb Trimpe. Grade C+. #159-173 (1973-1974)
Len Wein and Herb Trimpe. Grade: B- #179-193 (1974-1975)
Len Wein and Sal Buscema. Grade: B. #194-220 (1975-1978)
Roger Stern and (mostly) Sal Buscema. Grade: B+ #221-244 (1978-1980)
Bill Mantlo and (mostly) Sal Buscema. Grade: A- #245-313 (1980-1985)
John Byrne. Grade: A. #314-319 (1985-1986)
Al Milgrom. Grade: F #320-329 (1986-1987)
Peter David and Todd MacFarlane. Grade: B+ #331-346 (1987-1988)
Peter David and Jeff Purves. Grade: A+. #347-367 (1988-1990)
Peter David and Dale Keown. Grade: A-. #369-398 (1990-1992)
Peter David and Gary Frank Grade: B+. #403-425 (1993-1995)
Peter David, Terry Dodson, Andy Kubert, Mike Deodato. Grade: B-. #433-467 (1995-1998)
Joe Casey and Javier Pulido. Grade C+.#468-474 (series ends) (1998-1999)
John Byrne, Ron Garney. Grade: C. Incredible Hulk Vol. 2 #1-7 (1999)
Paul Jenkins, Ron Garney. Grade C. #12-32 (2000-2001) (original numbering returns during this run)
Bruce Jones and various. Grade: A+. #34-76 (2001-2005).
Peter David and various. Grade: C+. #77-87 (2005-2006).
Greg Pak and Carlo Pagulayan. Grade: A #92-115 (2006-2008).