It’s a love issue!

Wyatt reunites with She-Hulk.

Wyatt and Shulkie celebrate on his rez, then they go to a party where She-Hulk remembers all her love interests from her past appearances.
Cupid and some Greek Gods make an appearance.
It’s a nice character piece and a feel-good retrospective.

This is technically a Christmas issue, but it has a February cover date so it’s kind of a combine X-Mas/Valentine’s story. Cute.
As excited as I was to have Byrne back on She-Hulk again, I think his second run (31-50ish) was not as great as the first (1-8). Looking back on it now it really has a lot of ‘filler’ in it, art wise, and I was just not interested in the whole Blonde Phantom re-visit. But man, Byrne could draw the heck out of She-Hulk–those tribute covers he did were wonderful. You should do the Graphic Novel he did on her (was that before this series, during, or after?).
Also, maybe you can answer this nagging question from the series–was there a color problem with producing the series? It really looks like the top of her costume is miss-colored on issue one, and then again on #34, the beach ball magazine cover.
Keep up the great posts! I am really enjoying your takes on these old issues!
It was before. You can find it here.
I agree that the coloring seems off–the ’90s were not a great time for Marvel.
If you hit the She-Hulk character tag, below, you’ll see everything I’ve published on her so far.
Thanks for reading!