Remember that Quasar runs a business–with offices and everything? It’s okay if you don’t. His business? He’s an alien-hunter, making sure aliens aren’t wrongfully on Earth. So basically, he’s like a vigilante version of X-Files. Anyway, The Watcher shows up in his waiting room.
Which is pretty funny.
Uatu tells Quasar that Living Laser has crossed over into an alternate reality, and every time he tries to break free from it, he creates yet another alternate reality. Which I guess is a pain in the ass for Uatu, whose job is keeping tabs on all those alternates.
So, Watcher (who isn’t supposed to interfere but here he goes again) recruits Quasar to chase down all the alternate Living Lasers and restore order.

That’s the whole story—but what’s cool about it is we see Quasar racing through universes that appeared in actual issues of What If?—and even Marvel’s New Universe. It’s the first time the New Universe characters appeared in the 616–and eventually Quasar supporting character Kayla Ballantine gets the Star Brand power.
On his trip back home, a little guy hitchhikes.

He is from DP-7, the New Universe team, and is called Antibody.
A fun set of issues.