Doug Moench’s Moon Knight series from the ’80s is widely regarded as a high watermark for Marvel–even if it’s a bit dated when read in retrospect. But since that time, Moon Knight has become a supernatural mystical force, an Avenger, and, worst of all, kind of a bore. Moench gets to come back and tell a story of the ’80s era character. He largely puts all the post-Moench history to once side and just tells a straight up story of international intrigue that fits nicely into his original, Marc Spector personality.
The tale itself is a bit far fetched and hard to follow (it involves the CIA being responsible for the Loch Ness Monster and UFO sightings, when we all know that SHIELD is the U.S. agency who does that stuff!). But there’s lots of the kind of blow-by-blow violence that made this book so different–and so good–in the ’80s.

There’s not a lot of payoff here because it all ends up being mind-control hallucinations, but Moench knows how to write a comic, the character work is classic and solid, and there’s terrific art by Mark Texeria that is evocative of Bill Sienkiewicz.