A multi-issue story in which the diminutive team works with Nick Fury to take down Hydra and Baron Karza. But the best part is when Fury calls the Avengers for help and basically they dodge the call.
Makes me wish Broderick had drawn a run on Avengers–they look great.
Mentallo and Fixer are working with Hydra to hunt down the Micronauts, as Baron Karza teams up with Hydra to take down SHIELD.

Mentallo gets a Micronaut in his eye.
Meanwhile Hydra invades the Helicarrier. I continue to be unimpressed by that craft. It is constantly invaded or crashed.

The Micronauts save the carrier. And then they and SHIELD go to war against Karza and Hydra.
Commander Rann uses his psychic powers in the end to defeat Karza, but some Micronauts die in the battle.