When she first came on the scene, it was in a story called “Claws of the Cat.” Now, she’s a cougar: “Claws of the Cougar!” Actually, The Cougar is the villain, one of the race of cat people that turned Greer Nelson into Tigra, and Tigra needs Thing’s help to stop him from using cat-people powers for evil.
And in this issue, Thing speaks French.

Sort of.
Tigra “sounds like ( she ) might be fun” to me!! Covered in soft cat-fur, great boobs, legs to die for, and covered in shoulder-to-ankle tiger stripes! The transformation from human woman to cat-woman was a serious upgrade for her! Funny how she’s never had much of a love-life! I recently saw an excellent-condition copy of this at my local funnybook emporium, for a reasonable price- ten scoots, soon to be even cheaper with next week’s Christmas sale- I think I will go and snap it up, since the last time I read this was in 1976! Tigra-power!!