I’ve often noted on this site (and even have a tag about it) that trenchcoat disguises don’t work. But in this case, Black Bolt goes to visit the blind Alicia Masters. And even she can “see” the mask under the coat. And speaking of trenchcoat disguises, Graviton’s got one too…

Thing and Black Bolt happen upon Jarvis, who is escorting Judy Parks. Judy is Graviton’s love interest. He has amnesia, but remembers her, and tries to kidnap her.

Graviton’s gravity powers turn him into a giant red fiery thing that he calls a “living black hole.” Note how the boxes try to explain how this is “science.”
It’s clearly not.
Graviton dies in the end, imploding, and Thing feels sad.

Dude was terrorizing that poor woman tried to kill all of The Avengers. But I guess ol’ Ben is a softie.