It’s issues like this one that make it worth reading all the issues of Marvel Two-in-One.
You may recall that Spider-Man beat the hell out of Sandman and dispersed him in Amazing Spider-Man #218–with Hydroman. Well, we learn now that their particles retained sentience and have the ability to draw back together.

This forms a nice parallel for the second half of the story, which features Impossible Man’s ability to reproduce through, essentially, mitosis.

In the main story, with Sandman, there’s no fight. Just a conversation in a bar. It’s basically a “history of Sandman” story, and I don’t remember there ever being such a villain-centric issue of a Marvel comic (excepting, of course, Super-Villain Team-Up), let alone a C-lister like Sandman.

A very cool, somewhat experimental and risky issue that might have felt like filler but actually did quite a bit for character development for everyone involved, and had lots of humor.

The Impossible Man story has Ben reading the little impossible kids his favorite kind of tale: A ghost story.
At the end, the entire group of Poppupians decide to go visit the Kree.
“Experimental and risky” are the concepts which the House of Ideas was built on. Marvel has gone so far over into “woke” now, that I fear the best days are irretrievably behind us. “B-” here, for me.