Quasar is not my favorite Marvel hero. In fact, he’s not anybody’s favorite Marvel hero. And he’s at his most annoying when the writer treats him like Green Lanter. He uses his Dyna Bands to create a giant drill, a ram-skull battering ram, etc. Incidentally, Green Lantern isn’t my favorite DC hero. And Green Lantern isn’t anyone’s favorite DC hero.
And speaking of heroes making stuff…

Spider-Man does a Captain America imitation.

The villain is Lightmaster, who taps and temporarily bonds with Quasar’s light-powered Dyna Bands, and by the end is restored to human form. Which means he can be punched.

There’s some interesting but undeveloped stuff about Quasar having a paid super-hero gig as the dude in charge of Project Pegasus’ security, versus Spider-Man doing his superheroics on a voluntary basis. This actually seems like an interesting thread—the concept of, essentially, a superhero “fed” vs. an “entrepreneur.” Seems like there could be a lot of mileage here.
Grant Morrison should write about it.
“Quasar is not my favorite Marvel hero. In fact, he’s not anybody’s favorite Marvel hero.” Er, actually, he’s my favorite. 🙂 Love his solo series.
Seriously?? Your absolute favorite?