In this issue, The Scorpion is portrayed as insanely still wanting revenge on J. Jonah Jameson for fusing him into the Scorpion costume, even though he actually isn’t fused into it and can simply take it off and walk away. Very cool idea—his being able to take off the costume was a retcon, and it’s a little meta to think that the character who is retconned is still wedded to his original portrayal.

Other than that, it’s Spidey and Cap versus Scorpion.

They’re protecting J. Jonah Jameson, who offers to double the Christmas bonus to anyone who protects him from Scorpion (who wants revenge because JJJ is the one who made him Scorpion in the first place–and he never got arrested for it).

It shouldn’t take both of them this long to take him out, but it’s a perfectly fine story, with a typical “punch line’ ending…