They don’t make comics like Marvel Team-Up anymore. Books that are just about putting two heroes together and having them solve a super-problem in one issue. Stories without consequence, designed only for fun. Books have become serious now, and they’re all about continuity.
It’s too bad.
I loved this book.

In “Have Yourself a Sandman Little Christmas,” Sandman re-forms on a beach on Christmas Eve, and molests a lady.

Yes, it’s December 24 in New York City and people are at the beach. Whatever.
Peter Parker is there covering the beach as a human interest story, so the usual fun ensues.

Along the way, Spider-Man tries to pass Sandman off to Human Torch (who is dressed like…woah) since Sandy has been a part of the Frightful Four. But of course the two team up to take him down.

And here’s a surprise: the first appearance of Misty Knight. She’s nothing like the powerful woman she’ll become later. In fact, I didn’t even realize it was her. In fact, it wasn’t. But later, in MTU#64, Chris Claremont makes it her via retconning cross-reference.
Here’s where Claremont explained, in the last panel on this sequence:

Back to Marvel Team-Up #1, it’s a Christmas issue, which means at the end…
