This is the comic that introduces “The Infinity Formula,” which is what explains why Nick Fury still looks younger than Captain America. After being mortally wounded during WWII, a French doctor gave him an experimental drug to save his life. Now, he must take the same shot every year to stay young.

It’s better than having a picture like Dorian Gray, right?
The story involves Nick needing the serum, but it’s been taken by a bad guy. Turns out, he’s getting extorted, every year, for his annual injection.
Of course, he prevails.
I’m just glad Nick’s incredible powers of longevity were finally given some semblance of an explanation. Some things just cannot be accepted on faith. The Black Widow supposedly owes her own longevity to her haven been given the Red Room’s ( flawed ) version of the Super-Soldier Serum. ( I am, unfortunately, blanking on the source for this ) I personally would have been much more comfortable with Nick simply sharing the Infinity Formula with ‘Tash, for two reasons: 1) It’s much more plausible than the Red Room’s flawed ‘Super-Soldier Serum’ theory, and 2) Receiving it on an annual basis not only gives Natasha motivation for wanting to stay “in the business”, it also keeps her “hot”- a fact that she is quite well-aware of, herself. Now, if we could just get an acceptable explanation as to how Nick Fury is no longer a white dude!