In my real life, I write for a living. So this hyphen/no hyphen thing is a real problem for me.

A year after his debut, Starlord gets the benefit of Marvel’s future all-star creative team: Chris Claremont, John Byrne, and Terry Austin.
Little known fact: That was Byrne and Claremont’s first job together!
This story is not nearly as interesting as Starlord’s brutal origin, where he witnessed death as a child, overcame abuse, and then literally killed his way into the role of Starlord. This story, instead, domesticates him into the “main” Marvel Universe.

Storywise, he frees some alien slaves from some bad dudes. But instead of killing them, he uses a water gun. His powers now include a weapon that controls all the elements.
The issue also introduces his living spaceship, just called “Ship” here.
By the end of the issue, it has manifested as a woman (who does not refer to Starlord with a hyphen)…

In a future story, she will be named Aurora.