First, we get a Captain Marvel stpru. And if you’re a snowflake, don’t read it. As you all know, the name Captain Marvel is currently being used by a black woman named Monica Rambeau, who is from New Orleans. Do you see where this is going yet? No?

Voodoo! And the return of New Orleans’ voodoo queen, Marie Laveau–who was a real person.
Also, vampires and, since Dr. Strange killed off all vampires in Dr. Strange #62, the story also involves time-travel so that there can actually be a story about vampires.

Captain Marvel goes to pre-revolutionary France to team up with the magician Cagliostro (who first appeared in the Dracula Lives! magazine) to foil a plot by Dracula.

Next (actually, this story is first in the issue), it’s a story by a single creator, Carl Potts, where Spider-Man actually commits a felony. He blackmails a woman’s boss so that she can keep her job. It’s told pretty humorously, but really this is pretty shady behavior for a hero.