Issue #98 has Werewolf fighting Sabretooth. It’s a short vignette that has the fight cut short by some hunters who stumble upon the scene and start shooting at them.
It’s a cool idea and I wish it had gone on a little longer.
By Len Kaminski and S. Clarke Hawbaker.

Also in #98, Scott Benson and John Stanisci offer a story about Gladiator. I appreciate this because (a) he’s not a commonly used character and (b) he has cool buzz saws that shoot from his gloves.
Melvin Potter is in his costume shop when a customer asks for a Gladiator costume, and it gets Potter thinking about the days when he was a super villain. And he gets curious about the customer, so he breaks into the guy’s apartment and finds out that the dude is a Daredevil stalker. The guy arrives home and there’s a brief confrontation.
Great ideas—I wish they could have gone somewhere or been expanded upon. Grade: C, because it’s a good concept but very brief. 8-page tales that provoke imagination should be applauded.