These Thor stories just keep getting better. I wanted to start with the flying ship of Asgard (above), but even before that, Stan Lee teases us on the cover that Thor will reveal his secret identity to Jane Foster.

And he does!

But of course she doesn’t believe him. So he prepares to prove it by slamming his walking stick into the ground and transforming,.

…But unbeknownst to him, Odin found out he was about to reveal his identity and took his powers away.
Odin just continually cockblocks Thor!
Jane says she loves him anyway. And then Grey Gargoyle appears and they have to fight, so Odin restores Thor’s powers and lets him soundly defeat GG

After which Donald Blake thinks to himself he’s a dummy for even considering defying Odin and losing powers over a girl. Righto. Besides, Jane loves him anyway, more than Thor.

All this and a baby Loki tales of Asgard, too!