Loki supercharges Cobra and Mister Hyde, and the two dudes still can’t beat up Thor. But they make life hard for Jane Foster, and Thor insists on loving her, so Odin gets mad at Thor and banishes him from Asgard.

Heimdall blocks Thor’s entry, but Thor won’t take no for an answer.

Hey, the heart wants what the heart wants, am I right?
This leads to one of my favorite Jack Kirby Thor panels. Look at him, fighting off the guardians of Asgard! I like the dude looking into the “camera” at the lower left panel.

Thor gets through, but Loki doesn’t admit to interfering with Cobra and Hyde, and of course Odin gets upset because Thor defied him and broke through the bridge’s defenses.n So he punts Thor back to Earth, where Hyde and Cobra have kidnapped Jane Foster. Thor fights for her freedom.
By the time he gets through, Jane is nearly dead. And Thor does what Superman did in the first Superman move…

…He turns back time. He’s only able to slow the poison, though, not go back in time far enough to stop it all together(?).
And then, it’s the big fight against Cobra and Hyde…

…While simultaneously Balder and others fight Loki in Asgard. Look how he gets over a Valley of Swords…

Anyway, it ends with a happy ending, Thor gets the cure, he and Jane are back together, and everyone knows that Loki was the real jerk, not Thor.
Even though Thor beat the crap out of Heimdal.

Check out the cover to #111, where Stan Lee says that they won’t spoil the beauty of the artwork—and it is beautiful—by putting a caption across it. But he says this in a caption that goes across it! Oh, Stan. You’re such a wonderful narcissist.
And there’s a “Tales of Asgard” story too. And a Loki pin-up.

Some truly great Thor comics here.