The Controller has been committed to Pinewood Sanitarium, and the inmate has taken control of the asylum, so its director, Meredith McCall, calls Tony Stark for help. Turns out they were childhood sweeties and in a flashback we see Howard Stark didn’t approve.

Tony Stark agrees to help, along with his SHIELD babysitter Jasper Sitwell, but never has a face to face with Dr. McCall, because he learns she is married.
Weird to have all that setup, only to never have them meet. She’ll be back, though. In twenty years.
This is a pretty complex story compared to the ones Goodwin usually wrote for Iron Man. Maybe the book will start getting better?
Oh, wait. This is his last issue.
McCall will return to Iron Man over a decade later and will take on the role of Kaze, one of the Masters of Silence.