A solid story, even if it “doesn’t matter.” Deadpool is treated like a villain as Marvel attempts to organize its own version of the Sinister Six, a book written by Gail Simone for DC. If Marvel wanted Gail Simone, they should have kept her on Deadpool.
Like I said, it’s “solid.” But it is not without flaws.

A mysterious figure recruits six villains to hunt down an “identity disc” that has the secret identities of every superhero on Earth. The six villains are Deadpool (not a villain), Bullseye, Juggernaut (not a villain), Sandman (probably not a villain?), Vulture, and Sabretooth. The villains are coerced into serving because Tristam leverages secrets about them. Like Vulture has an illegitimate daughter who might be harmed by the disclosure of her father’s identity.
Sandman refuses to be a part of the mission, and Tristam melts him.

The villains’ adventures in attempting to recover the disc are fun, but still have problems. In one sequence, A.I.M. gasses Juggernaut to knock him out. Uh…Juggy doesn’t need to breathe. We’ve seen him walk across the ocean floor on multiple occasions.
In the second act, Nick Fury becomes part of this. Turns out that he is the real Tristam Silver and the person who has been leading the villains through their work, who said she worked for Tristam, is an agent of SHIELD and…Vulture’s daughter!

Also, Sabretooth was in on it from the beginning.
The twists in this story more than make up for the flaws. This was an enjoyable heist series.