In this issue, the debut of Contrictor, who is hunting Jim Wilson

Give Constrictor extra points for thinking thin metal wrist tentacles could make him a match for the Hulk.
Even if they can electrify a body.

Or, just consider him stupid. Because all it does is make Hulk’s hair frizzy.

The story is pretty simple: Constrictor was hired to kill Jim Wilson, Hulk finds out, and intervenes. It’s a great battle-issue. Even if the end is a little anticlimactic…

This is also the first clearly in-continuity appearance of Jack of Hearts, who debuted in Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #31.
He hunts Hulk down and fights him. And loses, of course.

Jack puts up a good fight, until Hulk drops a building on him.
Why did Hulk beat him? Because….

These issues are all loosely tied together, but also could be read as done-in-ones. The new formula for Hulk seems to be that the last few pages set up the next issue’s main story.

Len Wein appears in this story, and there’s a letter from Kurt Busiek.