Godzilla destroys Fisherman’s Wharf and the Golden Gate Bridge, and Hercules flips him on his ass as The Champions face off against the giant lizard.

And Zilla downs a Helicarrier.
Godzilla destroys Fisherman’s Wharf and the Golden Gate Bridge, and Hercules flips him on his ass as The Champions face off against the giant lizard.
And Zilla downs a Helicarrier.
Godzilla’s presence in Marvel-616 is idiotic and ludicrous. In 1977, I’m trying to sell the world around me on how great Marvel Comics are, and then, the so-called “House of Ideas” gives us ‘Godzilla in the Marvel Universe’. Okay. The only thing about this so-called story that works for me is the above-scene where Hercules dumps the big lizard on it’s butt. I don’t care for Godzilla, ( at least not as a serious Marvel Comics character ) but I am all about the Prince of Power- Earth’s very first superhero. He is an underrated character, an underrated Avenger, and proves on a daily basis that there are very,very few problems in life which cannot be solved through a proper application of brute force. I LOVE it! Hercules has obviously mellowed across the millenia, no longer a super-strong jerk who bullies his way throughout the world, taking whatever he wants through force, including ( and especially ) women. He seems to have arrived at an understanding of who he is in the scheme of things, knowing his purpose is to travel throughout the world of his mother, helping out humanity to the best of his considerable abilities. Membership in organizations like the Avengers and the late, lamented Champions are his best method of doing this. As much as I miss the Champions, Hercules and the Black Widow really belong in the Avengers, just as the Angel and the Iceman belong in the X-Men. ( a contention which I have maintained since 1975 ) So- RIP Champions, Go Hercules, and no Godzilla in the Marvel Universe, please! Thankyouverymuch!