FANTASTIC FOUR #533-535 (2006): Another Thing vs Hulk Story

Some say that this is the beginning of Planet Hulk. I don’t know about that, but it does help set the table for it, so I’m tagging it.

Working for SHIELD, Hulk gets caught by a Hydra gamma-bomb which makes him go on a rampage across Nevada. The FF try to bring him in

thing vs hulk

Hulk nearly kills Thing and only snaps out of it when Human Torch goes nova on Hulk.

Not bad, but not in the top ten.

My top ten Hulk/Thing battles is here.

After the fight is over, Thing jokes about sending Hulk out into space.

While that’s going on, Reed and Sue lose custody of Franklin and Valeria Richards when Child Protective Services finds that their home environment is unsafe.

This feels like paranoia on the part of the writers. CPS rarely separates kids from their parents, especially a two-parent home where the parents are both wealthy and famous.

It’s also a dumb move because some FF enemies find out where the kids are and literally incinerate the house.

Don’t worry–the kids are safe and CPS relents at the end of the story.

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