This is the issue where Straczynski takes over as writer. And the first thing he does is give Ben Grimm ALL the money!

He then dances.

I don’t think we’ve ever seen Ben dance before.
We then get a cameo from the richest person in the world…

Ben Grimm sent him color photocopies of his ass.
For the main story, Reed is pulled into a SHIELD experiment designed to reproduce the exposure that created the Fantastic Four.

The story explores why the cosmic rays gave the foursome powers, but didn’t impact others the same ways. Much like he did with Spider-Man, JMS rejiggers the origin story of the team and adds elements that later writers chose not to play with.
And he ends with a dick joke…
It’s a solid story, albeit one that lacks the impact of other JMS work. I like J. Michael Straczynski’s (aka “JMS”) comics. He’s a man with witty dialog and great ideas. He knows how to write, he writes well, and his pacing is fantastic–so a great story is more than enough.