Fantastic Four #512-513 (2004): Spider-Sense

Tags: Bromance

In 2006, I had taken a break from comics for several years when I happened by a local store (they used to have those!) in Georgetown.  I went in and grabbed a couple books off the rack.  I think I took an issue of Amazing Spider-Man and also Fantastic Four #512, which was in the 25-cent sale bin.

I was back in.

There’s nothing “big” or important here.  It’s just a team-up between Spidey and the titular foursome, and it’s a solid, Mark Waid joint.

As a result of recent events. NYC has soured on the F4—and in the “hero worship vacuum,” Johnny Storm has been replaced by Spider-Man.

“Here honey, we can turn it inside out.”  Priceless.

Johnny is seething over it (so of course Thing pays Franklin to wear a Spider-Man hat—just to piss Johnny off even more).  So, Human Torch asks Spidey for help learning how to accept being a loser.

Honestly, there are so many pages worth reprinting here.  I love this story.

For the action part of the story, the duo take on Hydro-Man at an amusement park and, yes, it’s all very funny. It ends with Johnny’s underwear on a flagpole.

There’s a mediocre back up feature at the end of #513 that takes some of the momentum out of these issues, and Wizard lurks in the background as he will be the villain in the next story.

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