Ben Grimm uses science to work out.

The team is back together, and they return home to New York City to find their landlord practically begging them to return.
We also get a neat little map…

As for the action, remember when Reed used to twist and contort his body into all kinds of odd shapes? Well, he discovers a microbe that can do the same thing.

They spend the issue fighting it.
It’s a simple issue, but it comes after a really long epic–so it’s a decent pallet cleanser.

There is so much I can say about FF#201- the team reunites after their latest “permanent” breakup, ( yeah, right ) the latest Baxter Building blueprint update is quite impressive- but check out the residential suites- why would a still-relatively young married couple like Mr. and Mrs. Fantastic want their quarters only a wall away from the other residents-??? Their respective superpowers would lend towards some seriously freaky boot-knockin’, wouldn’t it?? I’m sure Ben and Johnny aren’t deaf! And Franklin’s room is also just a wall away! No wonder Sue is so frustrated all the time! At least, I would prefer to believe that Reed and Sue aren’t getting super-weird with their entire family immediately around them on all sides! At least put the marrieds on a different floor! Speaking of the Baxter Building, how can old man Collins be trying to lease the building back to the team when Reed actually bought the entire building off of Collins some time ago, to get him out of their lives?? My command of FF history is probably a little rusty, but I BELIEVE this happened in FF#114! I’m gonna check that! In the meantime, everybody check the letters page for a certain brief little letter from a certain Mr. “Bart” Watts, of Columbia, South Carolina! That was the very first letter I ever had published! I was beaming with pride for months! “Bart” was how I was known among my own family, back in those days! Don’t ask me why! Excelsior!