Scott Lobdell ends his run by bringing everyone together for a Lockheed-centric story.

He tells the tale of Excalibur. He gets sick. And some X-Men show up to help.

Except they’re actually warwolves in disguise.
There is lots of Lockheed backstory, if you’re into knowing more about the little dragon, and backstory for other characters.

Other than that, it’s an opportunity for character development and it’s handled fairly well. I’m just so over this book at this point that it will take a massive overhaul to get me interested in it again. And it’s odd to have an issue that reads like a reboot when it’s a fill-in and a new team arrives right after.
At the end of the issue, Cable appears–he’s spying on them.

But this doesn’t signify anything–next issue doesn’t build on it, and like I said it has a new creative team.