I get that Chris Claremont’s Excalibur has its fans. Many of them. But I just don’t get what people loved so much about the series. It had too many characters, substituted silliness for plotting, used alternate realities WAY too much, and was consistently confusing.
But here we are again.
After Magneto’s “death,” Professor X goes to Genosha for reasons that don’t make a lot of sense, meets/has run-ins with some Genoshan survivors, and then Magneto appears. The pair decide to rebuild Genosha and be best buds.
And of course there are some new mutants introduced. There’s Wicked, whose powers are retro-hotness in leather short-shorts…

…And Freakshow, who turns into a giant monster and eats Unus the Untouchable (which was a nice moment).

There are others who are truly unimportant and lack imagination, such as Caiman (he looks like an alligator!) and Glamour (she’s a hot redhead!).
Some old magistrates don’t want Genosha rebuit, and after some fighting (notably against an Omega Sentinel), the two old men decide to re-form Excalibur together.
I’m sorry. I just don’t care about this. It’s not bad, it’s just boring.