Warren Ellis is one of my all-time favorite comic book writers. I’d put him on the highest tier, with Roger Stern, Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, Grant Morrison, and the like. So, I’m very excited to see how this Dr. Strange story reads.
And speaking of Alan Moore, here’s how this story starts…

The story starts after Doctor Strange has been gone for 1,000 years fighting a war for Vishanti (but only a few months of Earth time has passed).

He’s almost forgotten how to live among humans.

After a shower and shave, he ends up looking fresh and clean and in the new costume from the cover of #80. As he admires himself in the mirror, some of the painters who are cleaning up the sanctum sanctorum can be seen in the background.

“Dit Co.” Nice.
Strange is back!
This was intended to completely relaunch the character but, because it was the ’90s and it was pretty cool, Marvel pushed Ellis out after just a few issues. Sigh.