Nighthawk and Dr. Strange fight the villain Death-Stalker (from Daredevil), who is stuck in limbo.

But the issue starts with Stephen and Clea getting romantic and clearly about to have a roll in the hay, when they’re interrupted by a call from Hank Pym who wants to tell them that Black Knight–who is stuck as a stone statue–has been stolen.
After that issue is settled, Strange and Clea get close again, and that’s when Nighthawk shows up.

It’s some humor, and it’s well done, in a book that’s usually devoid of good character moments.

Okay! So-what happened next-??! I haven’t read this comic in forty-six years!! I guess I need to run out and score a cheap copy of it, and catch up on it! Anyway, it’s always very nice to see Doc getting, um, ur, “romantic” with Miss Clea, because Doc DOES sort-of have a fruity vibe going on, which has undoubtedly, uh, “queered” his marketability factor, across the decades. He spent the second half of the 1960’s co-starring with Nick Fury in ‘Strange Tales’- talk about two concepts of totally polar politics!! Anyway- I do need to re-read this mini-classic, because I really enjoyed the Death-Stalker, beginning in ‘Daredevil’#113, and carrying on right through to his ( fortuitous ) demise in ‘DD’#158! I was glad he finally bought it, for the same reason that I was glad that Count Dracula bought it, in ‘Tomb of Dracula’#70- the guy SCARED me!!! But- that’s the hallmark of a good villain, I guess! Count Dracula, Sinestro, and the Death-Stalker are three super-villains who I would genuinely be truly frightened of! I’m off to find a copy of ‘Doc’#29! Adios!!