He’s new.
He goes out to space to revisit the aliens who gave him his amulet and “save the multiverse” by collecting a bunch more amulets.
Awwww, screw this. I’m bundling these issues up in a big package because comics don’t get much more boring than this.
When he returns to Earth after defeating Evilhawk, he “comes out” to his folks, telling his family that he’s Darkhawk.

Darkhawk actually isn’t in half these issues–because he and Chris Powell have been separated. So Portal fights (yet) another badly drawn armored guy who doesn’t matter and won’t be seen after this book ends. We’ve gone from a book about the titular character superhero who nobody cares about to not even having Darkhawk as the star of the book.
He’s in outer space throughout these issues, popping in to be the main star of the book and then popping out to give his human former alter ego, Chris Powell, the screen time.

Eventually, of course, he does come back–for a final storyline with Nova, Speedball, and Spidey. Powell and Darkhawk re-merge, and we see at the very end that this whole series was being watched by guys in the future.

Look, I know this book had some rabid fans but I just don’t get it. To me, it was an endless procession of vaguely differentiated guys with the word “Hawk” in their name who wore cheesy armor.