It’s a year since Daredevil proclaimed himself the new kingpin of crime. (Bendis was given pretty free reign over the Daredevil series’ timeline.)

These issues take place at a support group for Hells Kitchen residents who believe that Daredevil is making a mess of their neighborhood. (Really??!? But you didn’t complain when Kingpin ruled the Kitchen?). Some residents share positive experiences, others share the negative. Some are pretty harrowing and show how Daredevil continues to protect regular people from evil people, but doesn’t always do it in the nicest or most sensitive way. Also one story involves Milla…

…And Jester vomiting up a demon baby…

Gross. And cool. The stories run from the basic street justice we’re most familiar with to include the occult of Ann Nocenti’s run.
The support group members’ stories fill in DD’s activities for the past year.
Then in #75 comes the big punchline/reveal:

Matt was among the group the entire time!
I know it may sound like, “How does this take four issues?” But it does and every page is gold. Bendis’ run on Daredevil is consistently innovative and different.