Falcon and a reporter named Leila Taylor are captured by a drug cartel.

Captain America rescues them only…It’s not Captain America.
It looks like him, but this version is bigger and more violent. Or maybe he’s not bigger. Maybe it is just the awful, ‘90s-style artwork by Bart Sears.

No, no, it’s definitely not Cap. You can tell because his ass is so small. It’s a character called “Anti-Cap.” He is the second of the “Two Americas” in the title of this arc.
The story involves the Guantanemo Bay prison and the terrorist attack in Oklahoma, and a bioweapon being smuggled (unknowingly) into the U.S. by the real Captain America. Frankly, I found this story very difficult to follow. I’m a huge fan of Priest as an author, but this story just doesn’t work. Plus, it’s not the first time that there’s been a story about a fake, more violent Captain America. USAgent comes to mind immediately, but there have been several others as well. And these stories rarely work well.

Scarlet Witch is Cap’s ally in this adventure, but she’s mostly just used for her boobs.

A new SHIELD agent is introduced in this story, Agent Morales, who is mostly used to provide long explanations of what is happening in the story.
This is not Priest’s finest work, and Bart Sears’ art is not helping any.
Still, there are some good moments, like when Scarlet Witch figures out it’s a fake Cap but kisses him anyway—just to get a sample of his DNA.
Yes. She uses her lips to get his DNA. Insert crude joke here.