The good news: Both Cable and Deadpool can teleport now, as a result of their shared DNA.
The bad news: They literally teleport together, into each other.

Don’t worry. They figure it out.
In Burnt Offering, Cable creates “Providence,” his own island nation (just like Magneto did), and SHIELD hates him for it. His old Six Pack team (which has Constrictor and Anaconda as new members), now working for SHIELD, try to take him down and fail.

After a while, Cable goes overboard with his own idealism (just like Magneto) and threatens to throw the world’s weapons into the sun. The X-Men team up with Nick Fury. But the X-Men make the mistake of teaming up with Deadpool. Deadpool has been in a competition with another mercenary called The Cat, and claims to have a weapon that can stop Cable.

After the X-Men help him steal it from The Cat, they take him on the invasion of Providence.

Because he offered to help.

Of course he betrays them. Turns out, Deadpool believes in Cable’s vision. Or he’s an obsessive fanboy. Hard to tell with Deadpool.
Having experienced a second failure, Nick Fury and Reed Richards call in Silver Surfer to kick Cable’s ass.

Wait. Silver Surfer the pacifist wants to stop global disarmarment?

Surfer wins (of course), and while Cable lies injured, Deadpool uses his secret weapon on Cable–at Cable’s request–because if he doesn’t use it, Cable will burn himself out and die.

It appears to leave Cable a vegetable–but at the same time, his “last will and testament” is broadcast to the world. It tells the world that his vision for peace was ended by Nick Fury and the X-Men.

We’re left with Deadpool over Cable’s comatose body.