Look! It’s Wolverine!
See how awful the cover art is? Imagine how bad it is inside the book!
On second thought, you don’t have to imagine…

…See for yourself. Captain America has apparently only been working out his torso, and his arms have extended to an unnatural length. Not to mention that he and Hawkeye wearing hospital gowns and masks is just silly. And look at USAgent…

Anyway, the team fights a Russian version of the Fantastic Four, who are trying to set off a new ice age through environmental shenanigans. Wolverine helps the West Coasters.

The Russian group is called the Bogatyri. We won’t see much of them in the future. And that’s a good thing. Trust me.
My good man! That is NOT Captain America that Hawkeye is bickering with, in the hospital room! That’s the US Agent! And yes, he’s got arms like the Beast! What’s up with that-?? Flawed Super-Soldier Serum-??! No, wait- the Agent was the result of the Power Broker’s body-building program! Apparently it gives you the arms of a gorilla! No thanks!