It starts in the pages of X-Men, with Quicksilver attacking Cyclops.

And Wanda distressed about it.
Magneto captures the team. Except for Angel who goes to get help from The Avengers.

By the time he gets back with them, the X-Men are under mind control.
The classic cover format of two teams rushing into the fray against each other. Does anyone know the first time this cover was used?

The Avengers chapter is next. This is the first time the X fought the A, and it should have been much better, but at least the action started on the splash page.
As great as it is to see John B. drawing the mutants and Magneto, it’s just not a very good comic.

Of course Magneto is behind it all, with his minion, Toad.
In the end, Magneto falls towards a pointed rock and we get a shot of his crushed helmet, but nobody is really thinking he’s dead. First of all, we’re reading this half a century later, by which time he’s “died” at least half a dozen other times. But second, even contemporary readers would have to have known that the world’s most famous evil mutant wouldn’t die in the pages of The Avengers.

Tony Isbella gets another letter printed in this issue. At this point he’s really just a letters-whore.