AVENGERS #82-84/497-499 (2004): Once An Invader

Sigh. Even if you didn’t find Geoff Johns’ run frustrating because it only seemed to approach greatness without ever giving it a full-on embrace, you’ll be bored by this pointless (but brief) Chuck Austen story. Just think of it as a placeholder before the big “Disassembled” event of 2004.

It starts with WW2 hero Blazing Skull and USAgent forming a new Invaders team with the modern versions of Union Jack and Spitfire. And a new Human Torch…

USAgent has a new outfit–which is a Captain America costume–and the Invaders’ goal seems to be to meet with Namor, find a new oil reserve for the United States by taking over a country. This is really bad and dumb.

The Avengers stop them…At first.

But at the end of issue #499, the head of the oil-producing country is assassinated, right in front of the team. This leads directly into New Invaders #0, which I’ll blog about shortly (at which time the hotlink to that post will become active).

Also, The Avengers hold a funeral for Jack of Hearts–several issues after his death–and Hawkeye and Wasp kiss. Hank Pym bumps in while they’re making out in their underwear and then runs away crying.

avengers 499

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