I’ve often heard Brian Michael Bendis talk about how much he loved Rom The Spaceknight. The comic was Bill Mantlo’s second successful toy-based comic (Micronauts was the first), and had (and still has) a pretty strong cult following. In these few Avengers issues, you can see how Bendis lifted (a little) from the Rom crossover when he did Secret Invasion.

Or maybe this is just a lift from Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Anyway, it’s all pretty good comics. The Avengers stop a group of Dire Wraith’s from stealing a rocket from NASA. ROM never appears. Pretty cool crossover concept–only the threat, not the hero, crosses over.

At the end, SHIELD takes over the battle against the wraiths–and Vision, power-mad, doesn’t like it. I really like the slow burn showing Vision increasingly becoming a threat.
Meanwhile, more daddy issues for Quicksilver.

And Dave Letterman thanks Marvel for Avengers #238, where the team visited his show.